New York City Mayor's Executive Order Regarding the Public Health Crisis COVID-19
Dear Friends:
To protect the health and safety of our clients and staff during the Covid-19 pandemic, CityTouch Licensed Massage Therapy is closed effective March 17th, 2020. We are abiding by the executive order to be issued by the Mayor of New York City and our district’s City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, on March 17, 2020, that all non-essential businesses should cease operations until this public health concern has passed. The health and safety of our community must come first.
For clients who have existing package plans and gift certificates with us, we will extend the expiration date by one month beyond our closure period. Any packages or gift certificates set to expire while we are closed will be extended for a full 30 days beyond our re-opening. For example, if your gift certificate is set to expire on March 17 and we re-open on April 13th your expiration date will be reset to May 13th.
We will continue to update our social media outlets with any new developments, and you can reach us directly via email if you have any questions. Any gift certificates or packages plans bought from us while we are closed will similarly be granted an additional month of eligibility.
As a small business in the community, we are grateful for your support and understanding during this time. CityTouch Licensed Massage Therapy would not exist without the support of our clients and staff, and this closure is a deep hardship for us all. We look forward to re-opening our doors and to serving you again soon so you can live healthier and feel better.
Be well.
Everyone at CityTouch Licensed Massage Therapy